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Monitoring the rapidly evolving impacts of COVID-19

Monitoring the rapidly evolving impacts of COVID-19

Levmed continues to monitor the rapidly evolving impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) closely.

Without question, our top priority is the health and wellbeing of our loyal and growing customer base, the patients they serve, and our employees and their families.

Our 12 Lead ECG Electrodes belt and mobile ECG units are being used routinely in Tele-Health projects around the Globe allowing Physicians to take 12 lead ECG exams remotely.

Levmed remains fully operational and committed to serving our customers to the best of our abilities. Thank you for your understanding during this unprecedented time.

Together, we will get through this period of turbulence.

LevMed ECG Belts.

Bringing Cardiac Telemonitoring Solutions to Developing Countries

For more information, contact us:


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