LevMed Brings 12-lead ECG to Rural Africa, and Enables Diagnosis & Treatment of NCDs in Developing Countries.
Increasing Patients Access to Diagnosis & Treatment of Cardiac Disease in East Africa.
An Interview with Dr. Martin Opio, Medical Director. Kitovu Hospital, Masaka, Uganda:
“ECGs in rural settings are rare… Hypertension and LVH are very common and very easily missed...
with LevMed 12-lead ECG the assessment is easy, cheap, can be done by anyone, and should become a routine”
In the project lead by Dr. Martin Opio, in Kitovu Hospital, Masaka, Uganda, using LevMed Mobile ECG Kit, the number of ECGs performed increased from practically zero to almost 2,000 in 10 months.
From this project, we have learned 2 main lessons:
First, 20% of the patients suffer from LVH, requiring treatment. Previously patients were not diagnosed, as ECGs were not routinely performed.
Second, with our Mobile ECG Kit such a rural hospital can sustain a valid business model allowing all patients to be screened.
See the video above for the full interview with Dr. Martin Opio, the Medical Director of Kitovu Hospital, and a demonstration of the use of our Mobile ECG Kit.

Contact us: info@levmed.net