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Quickly trained to perform ECGs

Quickly trained to perform ECGs

The benefits of using the Levmed ECG belt in resource poor, third world country

This project demonstrates that in a resource poor hospital nursing staff can be quickly trained to perform ECGs of acceptable standard using the LevMed ECG Electrodes belt. The ECG signal obtained can then be securely stored and transferred for interpretation to any physician or Telemonitoring Center worldwide.

The LevMed ECG belt eliminates incorrect lead placement. The entire system is simple, intuitive, robust, rapid, has minimal power requirements, and tracings can be easily compared with previous tracings, which greatly increased the accuracy of their interpretation

An observational study of the quality of ECGs recorded by inexperienced staff in a resource-poor African hospital using Levmed ECG Electrodes belt linked to an internet ECG device.

For more information please contact Levmed at

And please visit our booth at Medica, Hall 9 / Booth C11

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